Athletic Physical Education

Athletic Physical Education

*It is the responsibility of each student to
 understand and abide by the classroom guidelines*

The Athletic Physical Education program here at Belleville West is a class developed by our experienced strength and fitness specialist’s that allow our athletes to strength and fitness train during the school day in their regular Physical Education setting.  The Athletic PE Staff trains on average over 400 student athletes in both anaerobic and aerobic conditioning daily.  This class was specifically designed to enhance individuals by making them stronger, faster, more explosive, more athletic and reduce injury. This is a very advanced class where  we have seen phenomenal gains and improvement not only to the strength of all our athletes but to their overall improved athleticism, as well as, a reduction of injury in all sports.  Our Athletic PE Staff is training our athletes like major colleges and universities, which defines us as one of the front runners of physical education at the high school level. 

The following scale will determine your grade:

  A        90%-100%
B         80%-89%
C         70%-79%
D         60%-69%
F          0% -59%
Note:  Semester grades are cumulative.


There will be two categories for grading each triad.  

  • CLASSWORK (Appropriate West P. E. Uniform/Participation/Attendance)-150 points per triad for dressing and/or participation each day.  All 150 points will be issued at the beginning of each quarter.  Students will lose 10 points from this category for each day they choose not to dress out and/or participate for Physical Education.  

  • PARTICIPATION (Active Participation, Effort, behavior and attendance)– up to 

  • 3 points per day for active participation, effort, behavior and/or attendance (if a student does not dress out, they will receive a zero in participation for the day).   

  • Semester grades will be cumulative.

Physical Education Guidelines

  • Physical Education uniform - Students are required to dress in the required Physical Education Uniform (PE shirt, PE shorts, PE Sweats and tennis shoes).  Any other attire may result in a full dress cut for that day. Names should be clearly written on the shorts and shirt (first initial and last name).  

  • Rental - A rental uniform may be available for $1.00 with an I.D as collateral. However, rental is not a guarantee daily so you should be prepared with your own required uniform. 

  • Cell Phones – Cell phones will NOT be allowed in Physical Education.  If you bring your cell phone to class, you will receive a cell phone referral and will be sent to the office.  This may result in a loss of points in the participation category for the day.  Students should lock up their cell phones in the locker room or hall lockers.  

  • Physical Education Locker -Clothing, cell phone, shoes, and any personal items should be locked up daily when in P.E. Students are required to provide a lock for their Physical Education Locker.